Friday, July 23, 2010

The Last Day Celebratino BBQ

We finished our last day of the first week. The facility we used is right on the beach. The school is working through another agency which advertises these classes all over, and even gets children from mainland who come down by airplane, stay a week in a dorm or with a host family and then return on Saturday. Anyway, this agency had a BBQ on the beach for everyone Friday afternoon/evening.

The party included activitied including a possible ride on a jet ski or the banana shaped floater pulled by the jet ski where 5 people could ride. Jonathan and Lydia were waiting their turn, when the banana boat flipped over, putting all the riders, (all wearing life jackets), in the water. Then, the jet ski also flipped, ejecting the driver, two 7-year-old students we had and a 9-year-old missionary girl. They all had life jackets on, but we didnt' know how well the little ones could swim with jacket on, to shore. Kazuki, (our OCSI senior who was our translator this week) and Jonathan jumped in the water and began swimming out to the little ones to help them. Lydia soon followed to help the missionary girl. Kazuki and Jonathan got to the little students and helped them to shore, and Lydia's help wasn't needed as Elyssa managed to swim to shore. When the 3 "rescuers" got to shore, they were all itching their legs and Lydia's hand was also itchy. We were on the Pacific Ocean side of the island and this area is known for its box jellyfish. These jellyfish are very dangerous, and their sting can land you in the hospital. It was quickly determined none of them were stung seriously, but the Okinawan ladies there were quick to apply vinegar and other remedies to take away the itch and sting. Kazuki and Lydia each had a bump like a mosquito bite with a possible fiber in the center from the creature. The older seasoned Okinawan man was not too concerned about Lydia's physical reaction to it all because she was laughing about it... probably partly due to a bit of embarassment from the attention all the Okinawan ladies were giving her, putting this stuff and that stuff on her legs and hand. The older Okinawan man was sort of chuckling at Lydia's smiles and laughs about it all. Kazuki, Lydia and Jonathan didn't have any serious affects from it... only a bit of burning pain and itching. I am guessing that it may not have been the box jellyfish that got them, but maybe a much less severe kind... or their encounter was very mild. None of the people who were on the jet-ski or the banana boat were stung. So... that ended the banana boat rides... but they all had fun anyway. Lydia now has bragging rights, she figures... encountering the prickers of a sea urchin and now the "sting" of a jelly fish. (We did go swimming last week after class, at a beach near where we are staying, and had no negative encounters with any sea creatures... so we CAN go in the water without pain.)

Well, that was the excitement for yesterday. We were sad to have to say "good-bye" to the students. They were such fun kids. Next week, we are teaching in a church and Mike and I are the main teachers. So far, we only have 8 students, but may have more. The other class has 20. (The other location is more centrally located and easier to get to for most.) It will be fun and we are so glad to have had the role of "assistants" this week to learn how to do this program.


  1. Sounds like Lydia and Jonathan should stay away from animals and stick to people. :)

    I am happy things are going well with all of you. I'll keep you in my prayers.

    When do you return?

  2. "P" is me... Mr. G
